Muscle & Joint Oil is for treatment of symptoms of inflammation may help relieve body pain caused by swelling from sprains, strains, bruising, & sore muscles, and may be effective in providing relief when used as a massage oil.
The unique blend of herbs have long been associated with anti-inflammatory properties that may aid relief in those suffering from symptoms of arthritis and gout. Antioxidants have been relied upon for easing reported muscle soreness and speeding muscle recovery after exercise.
Made with Swiss Love
Muscle & Joint Oil (15ml)
SKU: 0006
Olive Oil,Mugwort,Echinacea ,Frankincense & Myrrh,St.Johns-Wort,Arnica Flower,Rosemary,Calendula Flower,Comfrey Leaf,Edelweiss.
Swiss Recipe from my Mom made with Swiss Love